Graduate Council Minutes
For meeting held Monday, September 14, 2020

PRESENT: Dan Gil, John Harvey, Lindsay Ma, Mary Twis, Giridhar Akkaraju, Darren Middleton, Patricia Walters, Ann Gipson, Emily Lund, Marlo Jeffries, Peter Worthing, David Allen, Julie O’Neil, Jan Lacina, Debbie Rhea, Francyne Huckaby, Mary Kincannon, Courtney Kimmel, Johnny Nhan, Floyd Wormley

ABSENT: Steve Mann, Catherine Coleman, Taryn Allen, Will Gibbons, Magnus Rittby

GUESTS: John Horner, Ali McCullough, Tatiana Marceleno, Joanna Schmidt

The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. with Dr. Floyd Wormley presiding.

REGULAR AGENDA – All Items Were Approved

I. AddRan College of Liberal Arts

Master of Liberal Arts:

Proposal for New Courses:

MALA 61353 – Translation in Society
MALA 61363– Black Skin 2 Silver Screen


Assessment & Graduate Program Review: There was some discussion regarding assessment and review of graduate programs and a consensus was reached that this was a necessary process for accreditation purposes as well as maintaining  high quality programs for our graduate students.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.